Far from the Tree movie trailer

Far from the Tree follows families meeting extraordinary challenges through love, empathy, and understanding. This life-affirming documentary encourages us to cherish loved ones for all they are, not who they might have been. Based on Andrew Solomon’s award-winning, critically acclaimed, New York Times bestselling non-fiction book “Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity.”

In select theaters July 20
Available on demand July 27

The German Doctor (Wakolda)

[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00L4EGIV6″ cloaking=”default” height=”160″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51G8a79SaKL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”disabilitymovies-20″ width=”125″][easyazon_link asin=”B00L4EGIV6″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”disabilitymovies-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]The German Doctor[/easyazon_link] presents a fictionalized and thoroughly whitewashed portrayal of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in hiding in Patagonia after the war, now plying his trade as a veterinarian. He becomes fascinated with 12 year old Lilith, unusually short for her age due to a hormone disorder (but “harmoniously proportioned”), and then meets her mother Eva, pregnant with twins. Mengele can’t resist a little experimentation on the family, as it may be another chance to prove his theories of racial purity. He insinuates himself into their family, taking rooms at the hotel they own and asking probing questions about their medical histories. He offers Eva prenatal vitamins, and growth hormones to normalize Lilith’s body. Despite Lilith’s adverse reactions to the treatments–one wonders if Mengele gave her bovine hormones instead of human–he not only insists on continuing the treatments, but doubling the dosage, citing the need to achieve more height before puberty.

Only glimpses of Mengele’s former career as Angel of Death are shown; even when Lilith discovers the notebooks with body drawings of his former subjects, Mengele explains it away by saying that in the same way some people paint or compose music about what they love, he likes to take measurements. And when he instructs a nurse to essentially starve one of the newborn twins, it’s under the guise of wanting to help the smaller of the two. I watched the film with someone unaware of Mengele’s history of unethical and gruesome experiments, and she was left with the impression that Mengele really wasn’t such a bad guy. “Look how hard he tried to help that little girl,” she reasoned. And indeed Lilith is a willing subject, hoping the bullying she endures at her German school will stop. But even Lilith becomes aware that the price one pays in pursuit of a more standardized body is to be thought of as little more than cattle.

Planet of Snail

from the Tribeca film festival site:
Planet of Snail

Feature Documentary | 89 min | World Documentary Competition

Deaf and blind, Young-Chan lives in the quiet, isolated world of his small apartment, nursing dreams of someday becoming a successful writer. But when Soon-Ho, an empathetic woman herself compromised by a spinal disability, comes into his life, a unique love story begins. A small and delicate tale, Planet of Snail depicts this inseparable pair in their daily life, infusing beauty and gravity into the minutest moments of their experience: the challenge of changing a light bulb, the thrill of a ride on a sled, the momentousness of a day out in the world alone.

Winner of the top jury prize at the world’s preeminent nonfiction film festival, the International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam, Planet of Snail is a poetic and gently paced study that brings to life the sensual world shared by this special couple. Deftly directed with tenderness and subtlety under the sensitive hand of documentarian Seung-Jun Yi, Planet of Snail is a visually striking, intimate, and experiential journey that proves the greatest beauty can be found in the smallest and most unlikely love stories.
–Cara Cusumano